UNO Product Fair: Aug. 27 2016 SMX Aura

 Unlimited Network of Opportunities Intl. Corp., also known as UNO, held a Product Fair last Aug. 27 2016, SMX Aura, Taguig City.

The event venue was filled with old and new members, and new recruits, who avidly listened to the speakers. The friendly articipation was highly active, with lots of cheering and clapping.

Many of the participants were able various activities for health and beauty such as free blood assessment tests, a quick and nearly painless procedure, where the participant can get their results immediately and get a mini-consultation. A variety of UNO products were presented to include an organic mask soap that had long lines for the sampling and many waiting for the mask to take full effects before removing it. One participant said the mask was invigorating and she uses it to get rid of pimples.

The UNO products that were highlighted during this event are as follows:

Aside from presenting the new products, there was many UNO members who went up on stage to testify about the wellness that they got thanks to UNO.

UNO has a line of Premier Products. Learn more by watching this video. 

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